I suggest people read the above link, especially red-state readers. This is from a West-Point history professor, Terrence Goggin.
There is a full coup in progress in the US, and if it succeeds, democracy ends.
Call the DC phone line at 202-224-3121, ask for your representative and senators by name, and leave a message. Three phone calls. Three messages.
If you don’t know the name of your representative, use https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member and enter your zip code.
Keep trying. There is a constitutional crisis in progress, and their answering machines are filling up and overflowing. This is actually a good sign, because most of the people calling in are calling about this coup.
I’m calling every day. Sometimes I get through.
Keep trying.
The message is simple: Stop Trump and Musk from taking control of US Treasury disbursments. This is an open violation of the Constitution itself, which places the “power of the purse” in the hands of Congress, NOT the President.
Lower courts have already blocked this. Trump and Musk are ignoring them.
Call. Call. Call.